Donate Your Way 2009 -- where it all began

This was our first Donate Your Way toy drive which was before the "donate your way" concept came about.

Eleni, Gia and Gina came up with a last minute idea to throw a toy drive for the holiday season. With less than a month to put it together, we were able to establish a date, venue and entertainment. We also reached out to a local organization to donate the toys to instead of choosing an already successful charity like Toys for Tots.

On Dec. 9, 2009, friends and family gathered at Xippo Lounge in Chicago to help us collect toys for the Walter and Connie Payton Foundation Toy Drive. Our expectations were not high as we had just very minimal time to really get the word out - but people truly surprised us. We collected 240 toys and $750 in monetary donations! Never in our wildest dreams did we expect to collect so many toys and that much money.

The day after our event, we drove over to Toys'R'Us and purchased over 60 toys with the money we raised. The graciousness of our supporters helped over 300 kids that holiday season!

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What it is...

The Donate Your Way fundraiser is an annual fundraising event that offers something different and unique in the aspect of charity.
The charity giving is split into two different parts: toy drive and monetary funds.
New and unwrapped toys are collected and donated to the Walter and Connie Payton Foundation Toy drive, which distributes toys during the holiday season to less fortunate children throughout Illinois.
The monetary funds are collected and donated to a different cause every year. We have donated to the Juveniles Diabetes Fund and the National Pediatric Multiple Sclerosis Society.
Each year, we choose a different fund which brings awareness to a pediatric disease.
This way, by giving people the option of bringing toys or donating money (or both), we offer them the "donate your way" opportunity in choosing how exactly they get to do something charitable every holiday season.